March 12, 2025

Who are we #1

WDRG – Western Desert Recce Group

(The Official Home of EXPED SAHARAN SAUNTER)


Who are we?




This group has been set up to specifically raise awareness about the conflicts of WW1 and WW2 in the Western Desert, desert travel between those wars and also about the Scottish Home Front.

Our Group is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) and we have the following aims:-
* The advancement of education
* The advancement of citizenship or community development
* The advancement of the arts, heritage, culture or science
* The relief of those in need by reason of age, ill health, disability, financial hardship or other disadvantage.+ and be able to offer more to the community and the respective charities that we recognise.
——————————————————————————————————-We are a bunch of amateur historians who like a bit of adventure, ranging from Ex Military, Historians, Real life Adventurers and Explorers, Military Vehicle Owners, a Geography Teacher, Desert Guides, Students of History, Farmers and Expert Mechanics (of almost any vehicle), a Uniform Expert, distinguished Writers, and a uniform and equipment maker. There are others waiting in the wings and we will be looking at the full Orbat soon. All have an excellent range of skills. Their Biographical information will appear on the Website.
The group are based in two main geographical areas half a world apart, here in the UK and in New Zealand (where the personnel of the very first LRP hailed from)In keeping with the Regimental system we have named the group the WW2 Western Desert Recce Group (WDRG) to give some identity and recognition for these gallant men and women.

At present, there are approximately 24 people involved, with a split between UK and NZ. We are hoping to attract other historians and vehicles from the US of A. (again representative of the American involvement in the desert)

Our ultimate aim is to support the various charities and organisations close to our heart – see list below.

One of our many projects also involves an Expedition (EXPED SAHARAN SAUNTER) and this will run in parallel to our Charity work but not as part of it. See Press Release and other info on this website.


Online car parts is an Internet shop of car parts, tyres and accessories for tuning.

Charities we support…