March 28, 2025

Online Car Parts

More information – A Short story

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MG Cars Company, a Global and typical Company

Our dear neighbours, the British people love showing off all that is British. Indeed, whether by their royalist democracy or their bright and colourful food for example, English people love to be a bit eccentric with high standards. Another aspect, which is considered as crazy in other countries, concerning cars and driving, the English people remain faithful to their products and habits.

However, some British car companies succeed, especially abroad. MG Car Company is one of them. MG Car company was created in 1924 and it specialised in sport models. Cecil Kimber was an employee of Morris Garages and probably created the best known and most loved manufacturer of sports cars.

At the end of the 1920’s, this brand succeeded with several models as the “Midget Type M”. William Morris,the owner of “MG Cars”, sold the company in 1935 to “Morris Motors”. After this, the company was bought by “British Motors Corporation” (B.M.C.) in 1952 and then by “British Leyland” in 1968. The company offered nothing more than models from other brands with its own logo during the B.M.C. episode, except for small sports cars.

As far as that goes, the only MG product was Austin models with its logo during the Rover Group episode. After that, the company was bought by British Aerospace in 1988, then by the German BMW in 1994 and finally by the consortium Phoenix. The bankruptcy of the group was officially recorded in 2005.

Since 2005, the company belongs to the Chinese manufacturer Nanjing. This event demonstrates the first real attempts to accord a sense to the initials “MG”. Thereby, MG legally means “Modern Gentleman”. This new brand is worldwide registered.
Today, the MG Car Company begins a new life and the launch of the MG 6 in 2011 was it`s highlight to date.

At the moment, is an important source for MG spare parts and these can be ordered at advantageous prices.