March 28, 2025

The team are busily working upon some new projects, which will be revealed very soon, which will involve new community members, our own established members and many others.  The main projects will fall under our ‘Rust & Restoration’ criteria and will open up our capabilities, increase our footprint and widen our involvement with other groups.  Watch This Space!

Likewise we identify a need to use more of our Social Media capability, which, due to us being very busy has been on back burner, much to our shame.  As part of this we would like to recruit a web and social media guru into our ranks as the next few months will be more fast paced and exciting, carrying out and providing services that no one else in Scotland is doing at present.

Education, Community Engagement, Major and Minor projects, planned and one-off events are all part of our next phase of planning.

Want to get involved? Get in touch.

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